I don't know about satisfying all you lifestyle (life style) demands, but Crossways is the place for you if you're in the market for a $1.49 glue gun. The wooden ceilings and brick pillars could actually be charming, I soon realized, if the mall wasn't embedded with ineffectual fluorescent lights and terrible floors. After you submit their information, your youth leader will receive an email with instructions for writing your recommendation. Still, as I began to explore the space it dawned on me that there actually was some potential. As part of the CrossWays Application, we need a recommendation from a leader at your church (minister, youth minister, elder, deacon, Bible class teacher, etc.). Dark walls, dark floors, and virtually no natural light. That was the major problem I found with The Crossways Mall it was just way too dark. And I suppose a new touch-tone phone or pair of sneakers could constitute that, right?īut of course, you'd need to be able to find your way to the cash in the dark. The sign outside promises The Crossways Mall will satisfy "All Your Modern Life Style Demands," so I was good and ready for a lifestyle (or should that be "life style"?) overhaul. While, granted, one planter had feebly sprouted a little green, the other showed growth only in its budding collection of cigarette butts. Its exterior leaves little to the imagination brown bricks, orange signage, and entrance steps sandwiched by two desert-like planters. Located right across the street from Dundas West Station, The Crossways Mall is 85,000 square feet of dreary enclosed passageways. Especially since I suspect you'll be yearning for daylight as I was after mere minutes of sauntering inside The Crossways Mall. Well, such thinking may be a tad misguided. Take that, lousy winter weather! Up yours, slush! Take a hike, hikes! I have everything I need right here.

A shopping mall actually attached to a residential tower.